E-RIHS.it is the distributed research infrastructure (RI) for Heritage Science in Italy and represents the national initiative of E-RIHS.
Recognized as a potential RI of pan-European interest, ERIHS.it was formally established in 2018 as a Joint Research Unit.
Since 2016 it has received political support and financial commitment from the Ministry of University and Research (MUR).
The project strengthens the Italian position in Europe in the field of Heritage Science and improves its capabilities in the technological and scientific sectors related to Cultural Heritage.
E-RIHS.it aims at integrating cutting-edge facilities, and at offering access to a vast range of high-level scientific instruments, as well as methodologies and data, to promote knowledge and innovation in the conservation of Cultural Heritage. It also connects researchers from different organizations and contributes to their mobility, promoting the dissemination and valorization of national research and technological development.
The main activities that take place within the node are:
• access to the infrastructure laboratories
• network activities
• education and training
• communication, dissemination, and exploitation of research results
• promotion of innovation.
Access to the node’s laboratories occurs through an annual call.
Costanza Miliani
National Research Council – ISPC
Services offered in the country
The MOLAB laboratory facilities and equipment provide services in the field of spot analyses, imaging/mapping techniques, 2D/3D digitization and survey techniques, remote sense and geophysics analyses, energy and environmental analyses.