Get involved

Together for excellence in heritage science

E-RIHS enables many different venues for getting involved and engaged with its activities and community towards promoting collaboration, capacity-building, knowledge and technology sharing and translation, and the pursuit of excellence in heritage science in Europe and beyond.

Get involved as Providers of Services

Countries and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) can contribute to the E-RIHS by playing an active role in providing services to the heritage science community.

All Member States of the European Union, EU-associated countries, third countries other than associated countries and IGOs interested in becoming part of the E-RIHS vibrant community, can contact the E-RIHS Central Hub at

For further information on the relevant procedures see also Documentation of this website.

Enlargement workshops and webinars are organized to provide further information of the E-RIHS mission, vision, structure and governance.

Get involved as Users of Services

The broad E-RIHS Catalogue of Services fulfils the different needs of several types of users (e.g., public institutions, research and project teams, free-lance researchers, practitioners, professionals and the private and commercial sector) and research questions, through the four E-RIHS platforms (FIXLAB, ARCHLAB, MOLAB, and DIGILAB). The E-RIHS community already includes a wide variety of users who have been engaged through different initiatives and projects (e.g., IPERION HS): you can learn about the stories in the Newsroom. Dedicated calls for applying to use E-RIHS services will be posted on this website and in our social media channels; we encourage you to subscribe to the E-RIHS Newsletter to keep up-to-date with these opportunities. For further information, you can also contact the E-RIHS Central Hub at

Get involved as Masters, PhD Students and Early Career Scientists

E-RIHS welcomes the engagement of young scientists; and thus, provides several initiatives for postgraduate students and early career scientists to get involved in E-RIHS activities, including training opportunities (via the HS Academy), advising on access opportunities, internships at the E-RIHS Central Hub and National Nodes, as well as information on scholarships and fellowships via E-RIHS LinkedIn channel and the Newsletter.

Cooperation arrangement with networks and association of young scientists can also be explored by contacting the E-RIHS Central Hub

Get involved as Partners & Sponsors

E-RIHS welcomes partnerships with, and sponsorships by institutions interested in promoting the advancement of the heritage science in Europe and globally.

In particular, E-RIHS is open to cooperation with institutions (e.g., philanthropic foundations and NGOs) aimed at supporting capacity-building and knowledge- technology-transfer initiatives towards a more inclusive access to E-RIHS services (Catalogue of services and HS Academy), also in developing countries and in scientifically-lagging countries.

For further information, kindly contact the E-RIHS Central Hub at

Get involved as Media Professionals

E-RIHS can provide an entry-point for media professionals to identify cutting-edge developments in heritage science and/or to identify high-level expertise to comment and/or report on the state-of-the-art of heritage science in Europe and global.  Online resources can be accessed via the Results Library (User Stories and Publications) and Newsroom on this website and through E-RIHS social media channels and Newsletter.

For further information including interviews with heritage scientists and accreditation to E-RIHS events, kindly contact the Communication Office at the E-RIHS Central Hub by emailing

Other engagement opportunities


  • Vacancies at the Central Hub (Florence, Italy) – no opening at the moment
  • Vacancies at the National Nodes – no opening at the moment

 Calls for Expression of Interest


For further information, kindly contact the E-RIHS Central Hub at