User Stories

User Reports

Welcome to our User Reports section, where the vibrant community of participants comes to life through recognition and appreciation. This section provides a platform to acknowledge and highlight the valuable contributions, engagement levels, and impact of users within our community.

In the User Reports section, you will find a collection of stories that celebrate the diverse experiences which actively take place on our platforms. These reports showcase the scientific results that enrich our community through their knowledge, expertise, and collaborative spirit.

Stay curious and explore all the stories!

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IPERION HS User Experience #2: Carla Machado, a Portuguese PhD Student

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IPERION HS User Experience #1: Irina Sandu, Conservation Scientist at the Munch Museum in Oslo

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Metals conservation: a short interview with a young researcher

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IPERION HS User Experience #3: Eslem Ben Arous, postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute

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Acceso ARCHLAB 2022. Proyecto "ZAINTIBERIA".

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