What E-RIHS is

E-RIHS is the European research infrastructure for heritage science. At E-RIHS, we aim to support research on heritage interpretation, documentation, preservation, and management. We offer access to cutting-edge laboratories, tools, and data and provide training opportunities in heritage science.

Read more about E-RIHS

E-RIHS services

Catalogue of Services

We provide access services through four platforms:
All the information on how to access here →

CoS - Catalogue of Services

We provide access services through four platforms:
All the information on how to access here →

HS Academy

We organize and promote training activities: international, cutting-edge training opportunities and events in Heritage Science.

HS Academy

We organized and promoted training activities: international, cutting-edge training opportunities and events in Heritage Science.

E-RIHS European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science

Pick an idea of what E-RIHS is and what it offers. You will have an overview of the challenges that...

IPERION HS services

IPERION HS offers users access to unique European resources for in situ and laboratory investigations on artwork materials through three...

Join the first IPERION HS Training Camp (July 2022)!

Marina Martínez de Pinillos González from CENIEH invites students and professionals to the first IPERION HS Training Camp that will...