H2IOSC: The second call for Transnational and National Access to advanced digital services is now open | Deadline: February 2, 2025

As the leading research infrastructure of the H2IOSC RIs Cluster, E-RIHS it, the Italian node of E-RIHS, is pleased to announce that the second H2IOSC TNA/NA call is open!

The H2IOSC RIs Cluster (Humanities and Cultural Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud) has opened the second call for Trans-National Access (TNA) and National Access (NA) to the advanced digital services of CLARIN-IT, DARIAH-IT, and E-RIHS.it, the Italian nodes of the European Research Infrastructures committed in the Social Science and Humanities domain.

Who can apply

The call is open to academic and industrial research projects, with the possibility of both individual and team participation. Applications will be assessed based on scientific excellence, originality, and quality of the proposal, after a preliminary technical evaluation.

What’s new

The list of services has been expanded with more innovative tools and resources, enabling research on complex digital data and objects in the fields of humanities, linguistics, and cultural heritage.

List of Services

E-RIHS .it for H2IOSC offers access to:

ATON is an open-source framework to present and interact with 3D models and scenes on the web, targeting Heritage Science communities.  

Kapto is a tool for tracking and recording interactive sessions in remote environments, public exhibits, or web applications, focusing on analytics and data visualization.  (NEW)

The CNR ISPC will provide these services.  

CLARIN-IT for H2IOSC offers access to:

EpiLexO is a web-based platform designed to create, edit, and link lexical resources for ancient languages. 

eScriptorium is a web platform that integrates Handwritten Text Recognition and cooperative proofreading of automated transcriptions.  

Skosmos is an open-source application for publishing and browsing vocabularies, taxonomies, and thesauri as linked data using SKOS. (NEW)

The CNR ILC will provide these services.  

DARIAH-IT for H2IOSC offers access to:

RAISE is a set of tools and services designed to make GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums) resources more findable, accessible, and reusable (FAIR). 

TIGRO is a software application for the lexicographic and linguistic analysis of textual corpora. It also includes tools to apply FAIR principles.  

MFE-MetaFAIR Ecosystem is a platform for managing digitised manuscripts, supporting cataloguing, digitisation, and long-term preservation of digital collections, with tools for access and integration. (NEW)

Apply HERE

For all details, please visit https://www.h2iosc.cnr.it/tna-na-calls/

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