A joint E-RIHS – JPI CH webinar series has been organized under the umbrella of HS Academy
The Heritage Science Academy is delighted to provide its webinar platform with the aim to enable researchers in cultural heritage to advance the boundaries of knowledge. In collaboration with the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI CH), with the support of the IPERION HS project, the webinar series highlighting innovative projects funded through JPI CH. Over the coming months, the webinars will focus on innovative research in cultural heritage carried out in international and interdisciplinary consortia supported by the JPI CH.
An opportunity for questions and discussion
The webinar series will be held during the final months of 2023. Each 45-minute webinar will feature a speaker providing a comprehensive overview of their JP CH-funded project and highlighting the key utcomes derived from interdisciplinary research. The attendees will gain first-hand knowledge of the project and be able to ask questions during a live Q&A session.
The next webinar will be held on November, 14th: Cristiana Nunes, researcher at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, will give an overview of the CONSECH project on the conservation of 20th-century concrete cultural heritage in urban changing environments.
More information and the registration form are available on the IPERION HS website
The first webinar took place on October 10th and was focused on the WOODPLAKE project presented from Manuela Romagnoli (available on the E-RIHS YouTube channel). The results of the project were presented, examining the preservation of waterlogged wooden artifacts from prehistoric pile dwellings located in the Alpine region.
Benefits for the Heritage Science community
The webinar series demonstrates the collaborative relationship between Heritage Science Academy and JPI CH. By highlighting successful JPI CH projects, the series aims to spread awareness of the support and resources JPI CH provides to heritage science researchers across Europe. JPI CH not only backs transnational research projects in line with its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) priorities but also actively engages in a range of endeavours. These include publications, the organisation of impactful scientific and policy conferences, and fostering policy alignment among the member countries of JPI CH. The Heritage Research Hub, curated by the JPI CH, is a collaborative platform on and for the heritage community.
Heritage Science Academy invites all those interested in the heritage science field to join the webinar series and continue the conversation about how researchers can benefit from the JPI CH opportunities and the E-RIHS access services.
The webinar series has established itself as an informative activity available to scholars and practitioners who want to advance theoretical and practical knowledge in heritage science.
HS Academy of E-RIHS is publicising the webinars through its webpage and through social media. Researchers and professionals are encouraged to attend and share information about the series withing their networks.
Spread the word among your professional contacts and stay tuned for more #heritagescience.
You can register at the 2nd Webinar here.