HFTV-ReVis – The Hunt Frieze of Tomb II at Vergina, Greece: A Novel Interdisciplinary Approach for the Scientific Investigation and Revisualization of a Painted Masterpiece of the Classical Worldiconography imaging spectrometry imaging techniques MOLAB painting materialsRead more
BRASS – Roman brass samples coming from ancient Mediolanum town: a PIXE investigation for the study of the production technologyAGLAE FIXLAB Ion Beam techniques PIGE PIXERead more
Characterization of stone tool surface and sub-surface alteration processes during use (ChaSAP)micropolish analysis physicochemical analyses polishes stone toolsRead more
Simultaneous Ion Beam Investigations for Lapis Lazuli provenance Analysis – SIBILLAAGLAE FIXLAB Ion Beam lapislazuli PIXE X-rayRead more
Deciphering long-term river incision and early human occupation in the Middle Rhine Valley by Electron Spin Resonance dating (RHINESR)Electron Spin Resonance ESR FIXLABRead more
Historical evolution of high-quality glass pieces from the Spanish Royal Glass Factoryhyperspectral imaging MOLAB Raman spectroscopyRead more